
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

It was a beautiful Friday morning and room 6 use the health force potatoes for weight practice and then we made wedges.
This is what you need to make Room 6’s yummy yummy wedges at home…

: Some potatoes [not green]
: Herbs
: Canola oil
: A cooking tray
: An oven set at 160-180 degrees celsius
: 25 minutes

Step one
Wash the potatoes until you can see the skin
Step two
Cut the potatoes into quarters then pour canola oil into a cooking tray. Place the cut potatoes into the tray and sprinkle some herbs, salt and pepper on the potatoes.
Step three
Set oven to 160 degrees celcius then put the potatoes in. After 5 minutes, boost up to 180 degrees. Leave to cook for a further 20 minutes
Step four
Take them out, let them cool and enjoy.

After we got back we all giggled and I think it’s safe to say we all admired them.
By Heather

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